Well it's almost a new year. I feel as if 2011 went by in a blink of an eye. I dont know how many times I have done this but yes, I am starting yet another blog. This one is different in the sense that it will be more of a public diary for all my friends, family, and any other person to view my journey as a recently graduated college student. I'll give you a summary of the last two month because they were probably the two hardest month I have yet to endure. Dealing with school, friends, personal projects, a small medical scare, traveling, money, family. Now that i have it all written out in front of me it doesn't seem to be that bad but I am still feel the after effects of exhaustion from it.
These pictures were taking through out my last 11 weeks at the Art Institue of Awesomeness (As Miss Lauren Jacobson would like to call it.) This was my class. I couldn't of asked for a better support group. It was along hull, full of ups and downs and plenty of laughter.
This is myself both at the final portfolio showing and graduation. I feel as if this happened forever ago but it has been less than a month. People always ask me how it feels to be a college graduate and to be honest if I really really (really) think about it, I get this nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach and I have to hold back my tears a little. To think, I will never have to step foot into a school (if I didnt want to) ever again. Its sort of a surreal feeling.
Of course friends and family flew, drove, caught a ride out to (very) Southern California to celebrate my accomplishment and I was so humbled by everyone who came to congratulate me. Now that I am graduated and the party is over, I am ready/ scared shitless to see where this year will take me. So many things have happened with in these last two to three months I feel as if I could take on anything now. I have always been a victim of self doubt and I am trying to overcome that. I am so excited to see where this hundred thousand piece of paper they call a degree will take me and if I "make it" (what ever that means) in the real world.